A talent show to raise money for picnic tables for Camp ECCO!
We currently have a beautiful pavilion that needs to be filled.
The evening will include dinner, the talent show, and a silent auction.
Dinner will be served promptly at 5:30 PM, the cost is $5.00
To raise monies for the camp, you will be voting for your favorite act.
One dollar equals one vote. If voting by check, please make it out to Camp ECCO.
Remember this is CAMP TALENT! Skits, songs or whatever you come up with. One music selection per group please, this is to keep the evening moving!
Please contact Nettie by March 19th with your talent at 330-727-8171 to be put on the schedule.
2561 Grace Church Road // Knox, PA 16232
We currently have a beautiful pavilion that needs to be filled.
The evening will include dinner, the talent show, and a silent auction.
Dinner will be served promptly at 5:30 PM, the cost is $5.00
To raise monies for the camp, you will be voting for your favorite act.
One dollar equals one vote. If voting by check, please make it out to Camp ECCO.
Remember this is CAMP TALENT! Skits, songs or whatever you come up with. One music selection per group please, this is to keep the evening moving!
Please contact Nettie by March 19th with your talent at 330-727-8171 to be put on the schedule.
2561 Grace Church Road // Knox, PA 16232

It's that time of year again for our ECCO's GOT TALENT!
The camp ECCO Promotions committee has sponsored a fundraiser the past few years. Each year we have raised money for a project to help spruce up the camp. The monies raised have bought bunks for the boy's dorm and the girl's chapel dorms. Last year the money was used to help build a pavilion down by the lake. The dream behind this structure is to have place to hold outdoor chapel services and picnics, not only for our EC curches, but hopefully as a drawing tool for ourside groups to rent the camp facilities as well. This year's project will be to fill the pavilion with tables!
There will be a $5.00 charge to attend the event that will cover the cost of the meal.
The camp ECCO Promotions committee has sponsored a fundraiser the past few years. Each year we have raised money for a project to help spruce up the camp. The monies raised have bought bunks for the boy's dorm and the girl's chapel dorms. Last year the money was used to help build a pavilion down by the lake. The dream behind this structure is to have place to hold outdoor chapel services and picnics, not only for our EC curches, but hopefully as a drawing tool for ourside groups to rent the camp facilities as well. This year's project will be to fill the pavilion with tables!
There will be a $5.00 charge to attend the event that will cover the cost of the meal.